
學習英文不能只學孤立個別的單字(isolated words),用脫離文境的學習方式背單字對照表只是見樹而不見林,學習者應該擴大學習的單位,以片語、詞組、甚或句子作為意群(meaningful chunks)的單位來學習。若能學習使用正確的搭配詞,就能使英文口說和寫作更加自然精確,更接近以英語為母語者的表達方式。


    所謂搭配詞,根據美國學者 Lewis(2002a:8)的定義為「某些字在自然文本中以大於隨機的頻率共同出現」(certain words co-occur in natural text with greater than random frequency)。另引用搭配詞辭典 Oxford Collocations Dictionary for Students of English (2002:vii)上所提供的定義為:「搭配詞是某語言中字彙合併的方式,以產出自然的口語和文字」(Collocation is the way words combine in a language to produce natural-sounding speech and writing)
搭配就是一組固定要同時出現,像洗碗叫do dishes,接電話叫answer the phone,開支票用make out a check;咖啡很淡是the coffee is very weak,很濃是strong;湯很濃卻是thick。




 (X):I'll send you to the door.

 (O):I'll walk you to the door.


 (X):study a Master's degree

 (O):do a Master's degree


 (X):rear a habit

 (O):form/develop a habit


 (X):raise an example

 (O):give an example


 (X):receive the telephone

 (O):answer the telephone


 (X):I join the examination.

 (O):I took/sat for the examination.


 (X):I listened to your instruction.

 (O):I followed instruction.


 8) 開燈:

 (X):open the light

 (O):turn on the light


 (X):enjoy a 20% discount

 (O):get a 20% discount


 (X):I don't understand your meaning.

 (O):I can't follow you.

 英文成語(English idiom)是挺有趣的,我常問主修英文的中國人"Why is American English so heavily idiomatic?"鮮有答得出的,因為idiom 係指賦予一群早有其意的字另外的新意(the assigning of a new meaning to a group of words which already have their own meaning)。專家說,當我們不斷推陳出新觀念之際,因為較懶,不想創新字,所以用一些眾人早已知悉的字,卻另生新意。(The most probable reason is that as we develop new concepts, we need new expressions for them, but in stead of creating a brand new word from the sound of the language, we use some already existent words and put them together in a new sense.)

 這類表達法廣泛使用於口語中, 比如:

 Why don't you get a European car? 你為何不買歐洲車?

 Because you have to pay through the nose to get it repaired. 因為修理費大得驚人。

 Gary pays lip-service to his boss, but I don't think he respects him very much. Gary 嘴上吹捧他老闆,但我看他不怎麼尊敬他。

 有連字符號的慣用語如 run-of-the-mill 是平凡(ordinary)之意, up-and-coming 則為有前途的(promising), 而像 be in the know, 用法也怪, Only the president and his secretary are in the know. 係指知道內情。

 英文中比喻式的表達法其實亦挺有趣,像"People who live in glasses should not throw stones."係指別五十步笑百步,與"The pot calling the kettle black."有異曲同工之妙。所以,英語慣用語(Idiomatic Phrases)實係指那些字面上不易看出其含意的片語,同時也會因使用在不同的文句脈絡中而產生截然不同的內涵,比如說:

 ●Where did you get on the bus? 上車

 ●I want to get on in my career. 進展

 ●I must get on with my work. 繼續

 ●Tom gets on well with John. 相處良好

 ●He's getting on now-----must be 60.) 變老

 ●Trying to distinguish one from the other is enough to get on your nerves. 心煩


 你想過 run 這個簡單的字嗎? 我們來說幾個句子:

 ●There was a run on the bank. 銀行產生擠兌

 ●I've got the runs. 拉肚子

 ●The movie has run for three months. 電影已連演三個月

 ●The book ran into tenth edition. 該書已出版到第十版

 ●The train ran off the metals. 火車出軌

 ●He ran a red light. 他闖紅燈

 ●I have the run of a well-stocked library. 我可以很方便的利用一所收藏豐富的圖書館

 ●They don't even have running water in the house. 他們的房子甚至連自來水都沒有

 ●He has a running nose. 他流鼻水

 ●She has a run in her stocking. 她褲襪上有處脫針

 ●He just hit a home run. 他剛打出一支全壘打。

 You run up a bill. 你錢用多了

 ●In the long run we all are dead. 長期下來吾人均已作古(名經濟學家凱因斯之語)

 ●He knows how to run a business. 他知道如何經管企業

 字典的充分使用是有效學習英文不可或缺的好習慣,英文大師吳炳鐘先生過去在對莘莘學子演講時,便不斷強調使用英英字典的重要性,記得他舉出一個他過去未仔細查核字典的字cohort,他原以為是一個好字,指的是一群同屬性的人,或古羅馬時的軍團,後來查字典才發現,原來美國人使用此字有貶低人的意思,係指同謀者,比如 the mayor and his disreputable cohorts.(市長和他那群臭名昭彰的同夥)。不查字典可真危險啊!余光中教授在為朗文當代高級辭典(Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English)寫的序中,亦提到他自己在多年前與一位美國太太聊天,提到一位畫家,余教授說了一句話:It seems you're intimate with him.不料對方「笑容頓失,臉色尷尬,言語囁嚅,不知如何是好」,原來這個字intimate雖是指關係密切,但用在形容男女關係時要格外小心,因為有性的含意, 如果說成"They were intimate three times"則指他們有三次性行為。所以余教授再三強調,查字典是一門學問,一大鍛鍊。

 以個人的觀察,當你向學生推薦英英字典之際,他們總立即回應,字典若以英文解釋怎麼看得懂?當然也可以使用英英.英漢雙解辭典,其實像朗文(Longman)及Macmillan English Dictionary對使用者均有貼心的考量,其解釋用字係以最常用的2000-2500字為之,Macmillan English Dictionary甚至將這2500個稱之為界定用字彙(Defining Vocabulary)詳列於字典後供使用者參考,除非你的字彙水準低於2500字,否則使用上述兩種英英字典應得心應手。
