[英文學習] 吃美食學英文

1.    開胃菜:沙拉 (salad)
* salad days 少不更事的日子 ,初出茅廬的時候

例句: I was in my salad days then, and I always acted on impulse. ( 當時我年少輕狂,總是行事衝動 )

2.    主食A  肉類:牛肉 ( beef )

*   have a beef with~   與~有爭執;與~ 關係緊張

例句: This morning I had a beef with my boss for a new project. ( 今天早上我為了新的工作計畫與老闆有爭執 )

3.    主食B 海鮮:生蠔 (oyster)
* the world is your oyster 這世界是屬於你的 ,你可以隨心所欲

例句: You are talented and have a lot of opportunities. The world is your oyster. ( 你很有才華且機會很多,你可以盡情做你想做的事 )

4.   主食C 蔬菜麵食:豆子 ( bean )
* spill the beans 洩漏祕密

例句: It's a big secret. We should not spill the beans. ( 這是一個重大祕密,我們不該洩漏出去 )

5.       水果:蘋果 ( apple )
*  polish the apple 拍馬屁

例句:To win the boss's favor, sometimes you should polish the apple. ( 為了討老闆歡心,有時候你應該逢迎拍馬 )

6.    點心:布丁 ( pudding )

*   over-egg the pudding 過度修飾

例句:Keep your report simple and clear. Don't over-egg the pudding. ( 保持你的報告簡單明瞭,不要過度修飾 )

7.    飲料: 咖啡 ( coffee )
*  wake up and smell the coffee 認清事實

例句:Many things had changed a lot. You'd better wake up and smell the coffee. ( 許多事已經改變許多,你最好能認清事實 )

8.   調味品: 鹽巴( salt )
* worth one's salt 稱職的

例句: Tom works so hard that I think he's worth his salt. ( 湯姆非常認真地工作,我認為他十分稱職 )