
#E NO00>Dialogue 1:>
#C 對話一:

#E NO00>Customer:>I would like to send this package to the U.S.
#C 顧客:我要把這個包裹寄到美國。

#E NO01>Clerk:>Do you want to send it by sea or air?
#C 郵務人員:你想要寄海運還是空運?

#E NO02>Customer:>How long will it take by sea?
#C 顧客:寄海運要多久?

#E NO03>Clerk:>About two to three months.
#C 郵務人員:大約兩到三個月。

#E NO04>Customer:>Oh, I'll send it by air then.
#C 顧客:喔,那我寄空運好了。

#E NO00>Dialogue 2:>
#C 對話二:

#E NO05>Mary:>Hey Mike, what's wrong with Nick? _
NO06>He seems to be depressed.
#C 瑪麗:嘿,麥克,尼克怎麼啦? _

#E NO07>Mike:>Yeah, his girlfriend wants to break up with him.
#C 麥克:是啊,他的女朋友想跟他分手。

#E NO08>Mary:>What happened?
#C 瑪麗:怎麼啦?

#E NO09>Mike:>His girlfriend went abroad to study _
NO10>and as soon as she got there, she sent him a Dear John letter.
#C 麥克:他的女朋友出國留學, _

#E NO00>Dialogue 1:>
#C 對話一:

#E NO00>Jack:>Hey mom, what are you doing?
#C 傑克:媽,妳在做什麼?

#E NO01>Mom:>I'm baking your favorite cake -- an angel food cake.
#C 媽媽:我正在烤你最喜歡的蛋糕──天使蛋糕。

#E NO02>Jack:>Great! Can I help?
#C 傑克:太棒了!我可以幫忙嗎?

#E NO03>Mom:>Sure! Help me pour this batter into the cake pan.
#C 媽媽:當然!幫我把這些麵糊放進蛋糕模裡。

#E NO00>Dialogue 2:>
#C 對話二:

#E NO04>Sue:>How's your baking class going?
#C 蘇:你的烘焙課上得怎麼樣啦?

#E NO05>John:>It's fun. Last week, we learned how to make fruitcake.
#C 約翰:很有趣。我們上星期學做水果蛋糕。

#E NO06>Sue:>Wow! When can I try a sample of your work?
#C 蘇:哇!我什麼時候可以嚐嚐你的手藝啊?

#E NO07>John:>How about this weekend? _
NO08>I'll bake a chocolate cake with chocolate icing for you!
#C 約翰:這個週末如何? _

#E NO09>Sue:>OK!
#C 蘇:好啊!

#E NO00>Dialogue 1:>
#C 對話一:

#E NO00>Gary:>What do you think of my new haircut?
#C 葛雷:你覺得我的新髮型如何?

#E NO01>Sue:>It really suits you! Hey, you're all dressed up. _
NO02>Is there a special occasion?
#C 蘇:這髮型很適合你!嘿,你穿得好正式, _

#E NO03>Gary:>Oh, I have a date tonight and I want to look my best.
#C 葛雷:喔,今晚我有個約會,我希望我展現出最帥的一面。

#E NO04>Sue:>Well, I think you look great.
#C 蘇:嗯,我覺得你看起來棒極了。

#E NO05>Gary:>Thanks, I hope my date thinks so, too!
#C 葛雷:謝啦,希望我的約會對象也這麼認為!

#E NO00>Dialogue 2:>
#C 對話二:

#E NO06>Sam:>How often do you brush your teeth?
#C 山姆:你多久刷一次牙?

#E NO07>Lisa:>After every meal. I want to keep my teeth healthy.
#C 麗莎:每次用餐後。我想作好牙齒保健。

#E NO08>Sam:>Me, too. But do you floss?  _
NO09>My dentist says that's very important, too!
#C 山姆:我也是。但你有使用牙線嗎? _

#E NO10>Lisa:>I didn't know that.  _
NO11>I think I'll start flossing as well. _
NO12>Thanks for the tip!
#C 麗莎:這我就不知道了。 _
我想我也要開始使用牙線了。 _

#E NO00>Dialogue 1:>
#C 對話一:

#E NO00>Husband:>Oh, no! Look at the time! I overslept.
#C 先生:噢,糟了!看看現在都幾點了!我睡過頭了。

#E NO01>Wife:>We forgot to set the alarm clock. _
NO02>You'd better hurry or you'll be late for work!
#C 太太:我們忘了定鬧鐘。 _

#E NO03>Husband:>I know. Where are my pants?
#C 先生:我知道。我的褲子呢?

#E NO04>Wife:>They're over there in the dresser. _
NO05>And your shirt is on a coat hanger.
#C 太太:在那邊的衣櫃裡。 _

#E NO00>Dialogue 2:>
#C 對話二:

#E NO06>Mom:>Tony! Turn off the light and go to sleep.
#C 媽媽:東尼!關燈上床睡覺去。

#E NO07>Tony:>But I'm not tired. _
NO08>Can I go watch some TV?
#C 東尼:但我還不累。 _

#E NO09>Mom:>No, it's way past your bedtime _
NO10>and you have to get up early tomorrow.
#C 媽媽:不行,你超過上床的時間很久了, _

#E NO11>Tony:>Well, OK.  _
NO12>Can you read me a bedtime story before I go to sleep?
#C 東尼:嗯,好吧。 _

#E NO13>Mom:>Sure, honey.
#C 媽媽:當然了,甜心。

#E NO00>Dialogue 1:>
#C 對話一:

#E NO00>Cashier:>Next, please.
#C 收銀員:下一位。

#E NO01>Jeff:>Here we go. Wow! I have so much stuff.
#C 傑夫:在這裡。哇!我買了好多東西。

#E NO02>Cashier:>Yep! It's amazing how much someone can buy in a week, isn't it?
#C 收銀員:是啊!一個人一星期能買的東西真是多得驚人,是嗎?

#E NO03>Jeff:>Yes, I wonder how much this will come to!
#C 傑夫:就是啊,我在想這些總共要花多少錢!

#E NO04>Cashier:>Just a moment and I'll tell you -- _
NO05>that comes to seventy-three dollars exactly!
#C 收銀員:等一下我就可以告訴你…… _

#E NO06>Jeff:>Oh, that's not too bad. _
NO07>I thought it would have been more than that.
#C 傑夫:喔,那還不算太糟。 _

#E NO08>Cashier:>It must have been all those coupons you were using.
#C 收銀員:一定是因為你用了這些折價券。

#E NO00>Dialogue 2:>
#C 對話二:

#E NO09>Sarah:>How much does that come to?
#C 莎拉:總共多少錢?

#E NO10>Cashier:>The total is two hundred and twenty-dollars.
#C 收銀員:一共是兩百二十元。

#E NO11>Sarah:>Do you accept credit cards?
#C 莎拉:你們接受刷卡嗎?

#E NO12>Cashier:>Certainly, just a moment, please. _
NO13>There you go, please sign here!
#C 收銀員:當然,請稍等一下。 _

#E NO14>Sarah:>OK. Wow! I have so much stuff.
#C 莎拉:好。哇!我東西真多。

#E NO15>Cashier:>Don't worry, _
NO16>someone will come soon to bag your groceries and take them to your car.
#C 收銀員:別擔心, _

#E NO17>Sarah:>That's great. I love the service here!
#C 莎拉:太棒了。我好喜歡這裡的服務!

#E NO00>Dialogue 1:>
#C 對話一:

#E NO00>Tina:>Hey, Jason! Are you going to the office party?
#C 蒂娜:嘿,傑森!你要參加辦公室派對嗎?

#E NO01>Jason:>No, I'm going to bed early tonight.
#C 傑森:不了,我今晚要早點睡。

#E NO02>Tina:>How come? The party will be a lot of fun!
#C 蒂娜:怎麼啦?派對會很好玩的!

#E NO03>Jason:>I know, but I've been burning the candle at both ends lately, _
NO04>and I need some sleep!
#C 傑森:我知道,可是我最近體力消耗過度, _

#E NO05>Tina:>I know what you mean... _
NO06>Christmas is a very busy time of year.
#C 蒂娜:我懂你的意思了…… _

#E NO00>Dialogue 2:>
#C 對話二:

#E NO07>Adam:>Hi, Sarah! Come in!
#C 亞當:嗨,莎拉!請進!

#E NO08>Sarah:>Hi, Adam! I just came over to drop off your Christmas presents!
#C 莎拉:嗨,亞當!我特地來送你聖誕禮物!

#E NO09>Adam:>Wow, Sarah! How kind of you.
#C 亞當:哇,莎拉!妳真好。

#E NO10>Sarah:>You're welcome, Adam... but don't open them now.
#C 莎拉:不客氣,亞當……可是,不要現在打開。

#E NO11>Adam:>No way! I almost forgot... _
NO12>my wife and I have something for you, as well.
#C 亞當:當然不會囉!我差點忘了…… _

#E NO13>Sarah:>Hey, thank you, Adam. _
NO14>I'll put these under the tree when I get home.
#C 莎拉:嘿,謝啦,亞當。 _

#E NO00>Dialogue 1:>
#C 對話一:

#E NO00>Miss May:>OK, everyone! Sit down! _
NO01>It's time to take the test!
#C 梅小姐:好了,同學們!坐好! _

#E NO02>Student:>Aw, Miss May! I thought the test was tomorrow!
#C 學生:喔,梅老師!我以為明天才要考試!

#E NO03>Miss May:>If you had paid attention yesterday, _
NO04>you would have known.
#C 梅小姐:如果你昨天夠專心的話, _

#E NO05>Student:>But I really didn't know!
#C 學生:但我真的不知道!

#E NO00>Dialogue 2:>
#C 對話二:

#E NO06>Jack:>Are you prepared for the quiz tomorrow?
#C 傑克:你準備好明天的小考了嗎?

#E NO07>Mary:>There's no quiz!
#C 瑪莉:沒有小考啊!

#E NO08>Jack:>Yes, there is! We have a quiz in science tomorrow!
#C 傑克:有!我們明天有自然科小考!

#E NO09>Mary:>You're trying to trick me! _
NO10>I can read you like a book!
#C 瑪莉:你想騙我! _

#E NO00>Dialogue 1:>
#C 對話一:

#E NO00>Mike:>Lisa, where did you put my sweater?
#C 麥克:莉莎,妳把我的毛衣放到哪兒啦?

#E NO01>Lisa:>It's hanging in the closet by your coat.
#C 莉莎:掛在衣櫥裡,就在你的大衣旁邊。

#E NO02>Mike:>My winter coat or my raincoat?
#C 麥克:是我的冬季大衣還是雨衣?

#E NO03>Lisa:>Your raincoat. Will you grab my vest for me?
#C 莉莎:你的雨衣。幫我拿背心過來好嗎?

#E NO04>Mike:>Yeah, sure. Anything else?
#C 麥克:當然可以。還要別的嗎?

#E NO05>Lisa:>No, thank you. Let's go.
#C 莉莎:不用了,謝謝。我們走吧。

#E NO00>Dialogue 2:>
#C 對話二:

#E NO06>Michelle:>Chris, do you like my new blouse?
#C 米雪:克里斯,你喜歡我的新襯衫嗎?

#E NO07>Chris:>It's... nice.
#C 克里斯:嗯……不錯。

#E NO08>Michelle:>What's wrong? _
NO09>It sounds like you don't like it.
#C 米雪:怎麼啦? _

#E NO10>Chris:>Well, it looks like vintage clothing.
#C 克里斯:這看起來有復古的味道。

#E NO11>Michelle:>You mean it looks old and out-of-date?
#C 米雪:你是說這看起來老舊又過時囉?

#E NO12>Chris:>Wow, look at the time! _
NO13>It's late, I have to go!
#C 克里斯:哇,妳瞧! _

#E NO00>Dialogue 1:>
#C 對話一:

#E NO00>Mary:>Well, it was nice meeting you, Jim. _
NO01>Do you have an e-mail address?
#C 瑪莉:很高興見到你,吉姆。 _

#E NO02>Jim:>Sure, I'll write it down for you... here you are.
#C 吉姆:當然有,我寫給妳……好了,給妳。

#E NO03>Mary:>Thanks a lot.  _
NO04>I'll send you an e-mail when I get back to London.
#C 瑪莉:謝啦。 _

#E NO05>Jim:>That would be great! _
NO06>Oh, and don't forget to e-mail me a picture!
#C 吉姆:太好了! _

#E NO00>Dialogue 2:>
#C 對話二:

#E NO07>Lynn:>I really have to get a new computer. _
NO08>This one's too slow.
#C 琳恩:我真的必須換一台新電腦。 _

#E NO09>Bob:>Yeah, you really need a faster one. _
NO10>Especially if you want to play games.
#C 鮑伯:是啊,你真的該買台速度快一點的。 _

#E NO11>Lynn:>Where did you buy yours?
#C 琳恩:你的電腦在哪裡買的?

#E NO12>Bob:>At a new computer store downtown. _
NO13>It was pretty cheap, too.
#C 鮑伯:在市區一家新的電腦專賣店買的, _

#E NO14>Lynn:>Cool. I think I'll go there and check it out tonight.
#C 琳恩:太棒了。我想我今晚會去看看。

#E NO00>Dialogue 1:>
#C 對話一:

#E NO00>George:>I can't wait to go to the race this weekend.
#C 喬治:我等不及這週末要去看比賽了。

#E NO01>Tara:>Yeah, it will be so much fun. _
NO02>This is my favorite festival.
#C 泰拉:對啊,那一定會很有趣。 _

#E NO03>George:>There is such a sense of teamwork and cooperation between the rowers.
#C 喬治:選手之間的團隊合作精神是很有意義的。

#E NO04>Tara:>Plus, the festival has a lot of history.
#C 泰拉:而且這個節日有悠久的歷史。

#E NO05>George:>Not only that, but great rice dumplings, as well.
#C 喬治:不只那樣,還有超棒的粽子。

#E NO06>Tara:>All you think about is food, George.
#C 泰拉:你就只想到食物,喬治。

#E NO00>Dialogue 2:>
#C 對話二:

#E NO07>Mike:>Row harder, Christa! We are in the lead!
#C 麥克:克里斯塔,使勁划,我們領先呢!

#E NO08>Christa:>My oar is slipping out of my hands!
#C 克里斯塔:我的槳快要從手裡滑掉了!

#E NO09>Mike:>Get a move on! We are close to the finish line! _
NO10>We just have to grab that flag!
#C 麥克:再快一點!快接近終點線了! _

#E NO11>Christa:>OK. We are flying like the wind now!
#C 克里斯塔:好的。我們像風一樣地飛著呢!

#E NO12>Mike:>We won! We won!
#C 麥克:我們贏了!我們贏了!

#E NO13>Christa:>Stop jumping up and down! _
NO14>We're going to fall in the river!
#C 克里斯塔:別跳來跳去! _

#E NO00>Dialogue 1:>
#C 對話一:

#E NO00>Sue:>Dad, when can we start looking for Easter eggs?
#C 蘇:爸爸,我們什麼時候可以開始找復活節彩蛋?

#E NO01>Dad:>In a minute, honey.
#C 爸爸:過一會兒,親愛的。

#E NO02>Sue:>I'm going to get the most Easter eggs.
#C 蘇:我會找到最多的彩蛋。

#E NO03>Dad:>I'm sure you will. _
NO04>Here's your basket to put your eggs in.
#C 爸爸:我想妳一定會。 _

#E NO00>Dialogue 2:>
#C 對話二:

#E NO05>Sue:>How many Easter eggs do you have now?
#C 蘇:你現在有幾個復活節彩蛋了?

#E NO06>Tim:>I have three.
#C 提姆:我有三個。

#E NO07>Sue:>I'll trade you one for some jelly beans.
#C 蘇:我用一些彩色豆狀糖跟你換一個蛋。

#E NO08>Tim:>I'll let you have one for one of your chocolate bunnies.
#C 提姆:我讓妳用一隻巧克力兔子換一個蛋。

#E NO09>Sue:>OK!
#C 蘇:好啊!

#E NO00>Dialogue 1:>
#C 對話一:

#E NO00>Mary:>Last year, we got him a tie and cuff links. _
NO01>This year, I want to do something different.
#C 瑪莉:去年我們送他一條領帶和一對袖口鏈扣。 _

#E NO02>Ted:>Mom says first we're going to brunch, _
NO03>but afterwards we could take Dad golfing.
#C 泰德:媽媽說我們先去吃早午餐, _

#E NO04>Mary:>I do not golf, Ted.
#C 瑪莉:我不打高爾夫球,泰德。

#E NO05>Ted:>Oh, yeah? Then, we can all go fishing.
#C 泰德:喔,是嗎?那我們可以一起去釣魚。

#E NO06>Mary:>Dad loves to fish. Okay, let's take him fishing, _
NO07>but there is no way I'm touching a worm.
#C 瑪莉:爸喜歡釣魚。好,我們帶他去釣魚, _

#E NO00>Dialogue 2:>
#C 對話二:

#E NO08>Father:>What's this box all wrapped in a ribbon and bows for?
#C 爸爸:這個用緞帶和蝴蝶結包裝好的盒子是做什麼的?

#E NO09>Alicia:>It's your Father's Day present. _
NO10>You are the best dad in the world.
#C 艾莉莎:這是你的父親節禮物。 _

#E NO11>Father:>Thank you, honey. _
NO12>You are Daddy's little girl.
#C 爸爸:謝謝你,甜心。 _

#E NO13>Alicia:>I hope you like the new hat and pipe I bought for you.
#C 艾莉莎:希望你喜歡我買給你的新帽子和煙斗。

#E NO14>Father:>I do, but they must have been very expensive.
#C 爸爸:我喜歡,但它們一定很貴吧。

#E NO15>Alicia:>They were, Daddy, but I borrowed some money from your wallet first!
#C 艾莉莎:的確很貴,爸,但是我先借用了你皮夾裡的錢!

#E NO00>Dialogue 1:>
#C 對話一:

#E NO00>Clerk:>Welcome to Burger Barn. _
NO01>Can I take your order?
#C 店員:歡迎光臨漢堡屋。 _

#E NO02>Jane:>Hmm. Can I have a cheeseburger, please? _
NO03>And... an orange juice.
#C 珍:嗯。 可以給我一個起司漢堡嗎? _

#E NO04>Clerk:>Small, medium, or large?
#C 店員:小杯、中杯還是大杯?

#E NO05>Jane:>Large please. Oh! Can I have some fries with that?
#C 珍:請給我大杯的。喔!我還可以再點一份薯條嗎?

#E NO06>Clerk:>Sure. Just a moment, please.
#C 店員:當然可以。請稍候。

#E NO00>Dialogue 2:>
#C 對話二:

#E NO07>Ron:>How's your burger?
#C 榮:妳的漢堡怎麼樣?

#E NO08>Ann:>The burger's great but the fries are a bit cold.
#C 安:漢堡很好吃,可是薯條有點涼了。

#E NO09>Ron:>Why don't you take them back?
#C 榮:妳怎麼不拿回去退?

#E NO10>Ann:>Do you think they'll mind?
#C 安:你想他們會介意嗎?

#E NO11>Ron:>What do you mean?! _
NO12>They'll be happy to replace them.
#C 榮:這是什麼話?! _

#E NO13>Ann:>You know me, I hate to complain about things.
#C 安:你知道我的嘛,我討厭抱怨。

#E NO00>Dialogue 1:>
#C 對話一:

#E NO00>Trista:>I have a splitting headache. _
NO01>I need to grab a cup of coffee.
#C 翠絲塔:我頭痛得快裂開了。 _

#E NO02>Roberto:>You drink too much coffee, Trista. _
NO03>Why don't you have an aspirin instead?
#C 羅伯特:妳喝太多咖啡了,翠絲塔。 _

#E NO04>Trista:>You're right. I've already had seven cups today.  _
NO05>The last thing I need is another one.
#C 翠絲塔:你說的對。我今天已經喝了七杯咖啡了。 _

#E NO06>Roberto:>Just give me two minutes and I'll get some aspirin. _
NO07>Would you like a glass of water to wash them down?
#C 羅伯特:給我兩分鐘,我去拿些阿斯匹林。 _

#E NO08>Trista:>That would be great!
#C 翠絲塔:那太好了!

#E NO00>Dialogue 2:>
#C 對話二:

#E NO09>Ally:>Ouch! What was that? Something just stung me!
#C 艾莉:噢!那是什麼?剛剛有東西叮了我一下!

#E NO10>John:>Let me have a look. Does it hurt?
#C 約翰:讓我看看。會痛嗎?

#E NO11>Ally:>Hurt? It's killing me! What is it?
#C 艾莉:痛?痛死我了。那是什麼?

#E NO12>John:>It looks like a bee sting.  _
NO13>Let me get the tweezers from the first-aid kit.
#C 約翰:看起來像是蜜蜂叮的。 _

#E NO14>Ally:>Hurry up, John! _
NO15>I don't want to have to go to the hospital.
#C 艾莉:快點,約翰! _

#E NO16>John:>It's nothing serious. _
NO17>You'll be as good as new in no time.
#C 約翰:這一點也不嚴重。 _

#E NO18>Ally:>I sure hope so.
#C 艾莉:我當然希望是這樣。

#E NO00>Dialogue 1:>
#C 對話一:

#E NO00>Larry:>Look at all those weeds! We have to get rid of them!
#C 賴瑞:看看那些雜草!我們要除掉它們!

#E NO01>Sharon:>I know, they're killing off our beautiful flowers.
#C 雪倫:我知道,它們正摧殘著我們漂亮的花。

#E NO02>Larry:>Well, I think I should get the garden tools out of the shed and get to work.
#C 賴瑞:嗯,我想我應該從庫房裡拿出園藝工具,並且開始工作。

#E NO03>Sharon:>Good idea. Can I give you a hand?
#C 雪倫:好主意。我可以幫你忙嗎?

#E NO04>Larry:>No, it's all right. You seem to have a green thumb for growing weeds.
#C 賴瑞:不用了,沒關係,妳似乎是個會讓雜草叢生的高手。

#E NO00>Dialogue 2:>
#C 對話二:

#E NO05>Bob:>I hate this job, Jane! _
NO06>All this cutting grass and getting rid of weeds is terrible.
#C 鮑伯:我討厭這個工作,珍! _

#E NO07>Jane:>Oh, stop complaining and start raking those leaves!
#C 珍:喔,停止抱怨,開始動手耙樹葉吧!

#E NO08>Bob:>Very funny, Jane! Very Funny! _
NO09>I'm going to find a better job next week.
#C 鮑伯:很好笑,珍!非常好笑! _

#E NO10>Jane:>Well, you know what they say: _
NO11>The grass is always greener on the other side.
#C 珍:嗯,俗話說, _

#E NO12>Bob:>Anything's better than this.
#C 鮑伯:任何工作都比這工作好。

#E NO00>Dialogue 1:>
#C 對話一:

#E NO00>Mary:>I want it short in back and long in front, please.
#C 瑪莉:我要後面短,前面長的髮型。

#E NO01>Hairstylist:>I don't think that would suit you.
#C 髮型師:我覺得那不適合你。

#E NO02>Mary:>OK, what do you suggest?
#C 瑪莉:好吧,那你的建議是什麼?

#E NO03>Hairstylist:>Why don't you get just a little off the back and get some highlights?
#C 髮型師:何不把後面剪短一點然後做些挑染呢?

#E NO04>Mary:>Hmm, all right, but make it funky!
#C 瑪莉:嗯,好吧,但你要弄得有型點!

#E NO00>Dialogue 2:>
#C 對話二:

#E NO05>Tom:>What did you do to your hair?
#C 湯姆:妳的頭髮是怎麼回事?

#E NO06>Mary:>I told the hairstylist to make my hair funky, _
NO07>and she went overboard!
#C 瑪莉:我要求髮型師說要把頭髮弄得有型點, _

#E NO08>Tom:>Hmm, it's not that bad of a style.  _
NO09>Perhaps she just used too much hairspray and gel.
#C 湯姆:嗯,這髮型不算太糟。 _

#E NO10>Mary:>Oh, what am I going to do? _
NO11>I can't go out looking like this!
#C 瑪莉:喔,我該怎麼辦? _

#E NO12>Tom:>Don't worry! It'll always grow back!
#C 湯姆:別緊張!頭髮會長回來的。

#E NO00>Dialogue 1:>
#C 對話一:

#E NO00>Joey:>Hey, Sara! Halloween is coming up! _
NO01>Let's go trick-or-treating together!
#C 喬伊:嘿,莎拉!萬聖節快到了耶! _

#E NO02>Sara:>OK! What kind of costume are you going to wear?
#C 莎拉:好啊!你要裝扮成什麼?

#E NO03>Joey:>I'm going to be a ghost! How about you?
#C 喬伊:我要裝成鬼!妳呢?

#E NO04>Sara:>I think I'll dress up as a witch. _
NO05>Hey, let's go carve a jack-o'-lantern!
#C 莎拉:我想我會扮成巫婆。 _

#E NO00>Dialogue 2:>
#C 對話二:

#E NO06>May:>Did you buy candy for the trick-or-treaters tonight?
#C 梅:你有買糖果準備給今天晚上來玩「不給糖,就搗蛋」的人嗎?

#E NO07>Mark:>Yeah, I bought five full bags! _
NO08>It should be enough for all the kids in the neighborhood.
#C 馬克:有,我買了滿滿五袋的糖果! _

#E NO09>May:>Maybe. But do you remember when we ran out of candy last Halloween?
#C 梅:也許吧。可是你還記得去年萬聖節我們糖果分完了的情形嗎?

#E NO10>Mark:>Ummm... maybe I should go buy some more candy, now.
#C 馬克:嗯……也許我現在應該再去多買一點糖果。

#E NO00>Dialogue 1:>
#C 對話一:

#E NO00>Jim:>What are you cooking?
#C 吉姆:妳在煮什麼?

#E NO01>Lara:>It's a surprise.
#C 蘿菈:這是個驚喜。

#E NO02>Jim:>Well, it sure smells good. You really know how to cook.
#C 吉姆:嗯,聞起來好香。妳很會煮東西喔。

#E NO03>Lara:>Thanks, Jim. Cooking is something I've enjoyed doing since I was young.
#C 蘿菈:謝啦,吉姆。烹飪是我從年輕時就很有興趣的。

#E NO04>Jim:>So, can I taste the surprise yet?
#C 吉姆:那,我可以嚐嚐這個驚喜嗎?

#E NO05>Lara:>It'll be ready in a few minutes. Go sit down!
#C 蘿菈:再幾分鐘就好了。你去坐好啦!

#E NO00>Dialogue 2:>
#C 對話二:

#E NO06>Mom:>Honey, I have to go now. _
NO07>Could you finish cooking the soup?
#C 媽:親愛的,我要出門囉。 _

#E NO08>Larry:>Sure, Mom. What do I need to do?
#C 賴瑞:當然可以呀,媽。我該做些什麼呢?

#E NO09>Mom:>Just wait ten more minutes, _
NO10>then turn the gas down a little.
#C 媽:只要再等個十分鐘, _

#E NO11>Larry:>What do I do when it's ready?
#C 賴瑞:煮好之後要怎麼做呢?

#E NO12>Mom:>Just turn the stove off.
#C 媽:把爐火關掉就可以了。

#E NO13>Larry:>OK Mom, no problem. See you later.
#C 賴瑞:好的,媽,沒問題。再見。

#E NO00>Dialogue 1:>
#C 對話一:

#E NO00>Tim:>I want to make my own lantern this year, not buy one.
#C 提姆:我今年想要自己做一個燈籠,不要用買的。

#E NO01>Sally:>Me, too. We need scissors, paper, tape, and a lightbulb.
#C 莎莉:我也是。我們需要剪刀、紙、膠帶和一個燈泡。

#E NO02>Tim:>What design are you going to put on yours?
#C 提姆:妳的燈籠上面要放什麼圖案?

#E NO03>Sally:>I want a dragon. How about you?
#C 莎莉:我想放一條龍。你呢?

#E NO04>Tim:>A phoenix. Do we have batteries for the lightbulbs?
#C 提姆:鳳凰。我們有燈泡要用的電池嗎?

#E NO05>Sally:>I've got them right here.
#C 莎莉:我這裡有。

#E NO00>Dialogue 2:>
#C 對話二:

#E NO06>Tina:>Look! There's going to be a fireworks display downtown to celebrate the Lantern Festival.
#C 蒂娜:你看!市區要放煙火慶祝元宵節耶。

#E NO07>Mark:>Really? I hope they're going to have performances, as well.
#C 馬克:真的嗎?希望他們也有表演節目。

#E NO08>Tina:>It says here, they'll have folk dances after the fireworks.
#C 蒂娜:這上面說,放完煙火還會表演民俗舞蹈。

#E NO09>Mark:>They'll probably have plenty of yummy things to eat, too.
#C 馬克:也許他們還有很多好吃的東西呢。

#E NO10>Tina:>You'd better get off work early.
#C 蒂娜:你最好早點下班。

#E NO11>Mark:>I will. Tonight is going to be a lot of fun.
#C 馬克:我會的。今晚一定會很好玩。

#E NO00>Dialogue 1:>
#C 對話一:

#E NO00>John:>What are you doing tonight?
#C 約翰:妳今天晚上要做什麼?

#E NO01>Mary:>Oh, not much. _
NO02>I was thinking of spending a quiet night at home watching TV.
#C 瑪麗:喔,沒什麼。 _

#E NO03>John:>Is there anything good on TV tonight?
#C 約翰:今晚有什麼好看的電視節目嗎?

#E NO04>Mary:>There's a great movie on channel seven.
#C 瑪麗:第七台有一部很棒的電影。

#E NO05>John:>Really? What time does it start?
#C 約翰:真的?幾點開始?

#E NO06>Mary:>Nine. Why don't you come over and watch it with my roommates and me?
#C 瑪麗:九點。你乾脆過來和我還有我的室友一起看吧?

#E NO00>Dialogue 2:>
#C 對話二:

#E NO07>Danny:>Hi, Sandra! Come in and make yourself at home.
#C 丹尼:嗨,珊卓拉!請進,不要拘束。

#E NO08>Sandra:>Thanks. What are you watching?
#C 珊卓拉:謝啦。你在看什麼?

#E NO09>Danny:>It's a DVD I rented. _
NO10>It stars Jackie Chan.
#C 丹尼:這是我租來的DVD。 _

#E NO11>Sandra:>Oh, yeah. I've seen this one. _
NO12>In the end he...
#C 珊卓拉:哦,對。這一部我看過了。 _

#E NO13>Danny:>Don't tell me the ending! _
NO14>I want to find out for myself!
#C 丹尼:先不要告訴我結局! _

#E NO00>Dialogue 1:>
#C 對話一:

#E NO00>Troy:>How would you like your steak, Lilly?
#C 特洛依:莉莉,你的牛排要幾分熟?

#E NO01>Lilly:>Well-done, please. And make sure there's no blood!
#C 莉莉:請給我全熟的。而且要確定不帶血!

#E NO02>Troy:>Don't worry. One steak, well-done, coming right up! _
NO03>Why don't you have a sausage while you wait?
#C 特洛依:別擔心。牛排一塊,全熟的,馬上好! _

#E NO04>Lilly:>Oh, no thank you. _
NO05>I'm on a diet and sausages are very fattening.
#C 莉莉:不,謝了。 _

#E NO06>Troy:>Tell me about it!
#C 特洛依:那還用說!

#E NO00>Dialogue 2:>
#C 對話二:

#E NO07>Tina:>Wow! Look at the moon. Isn't it beautiful?
#C 緹娜:哇!你看月亮。很美吧?

#E NO08>Peter:>Yeah, the sky is so clear, and check out the stars.
#C 彼得:是啊,萬里無雲,妳看那些星星。

#E NO09>Tina:>Amazing! I love having the day off just to relax.
#C 緹娜:好美喔!我好喜歡像這樣休個假,輕鬆一下。

#E NO10>Peter:>It sure beats working --  _
NO11>can I get you a drink?
#C 彼得:對啊,肯定比工作好── _

#E NO12>Tina:>Sure, I'll have a beer. Thanks.
#C 緹娜:好啊,我要喝啤酒。謝謝。

#E NO00>Dialogue 1:>
#C 對話一:

#E NO00>Susan:>Mother's Day is tomorrow, _
NO01>and we still have not bought mom a present!
#C 蘇珊:明天就是母親節, _

#E NO02>Gary:>Oh, no! What are we going to do?
#C 蓋瑞:喔,糟了!我們該怎麼辦?

#E NO03>Susan:>We have to at least buy her flowers and a small gift.
#C 蘇珊:我們至少得買花和一份小禮物給她。

#E NO04>Gary:>You buy the gift _
NO05>and I will buy flowers from the flower shop.
#C 蓋瑞:你買禮物, _

#E NO06>Susan:>Fine. But you have to stay home and pamper mom all day.
#C 蘇珊:好。但是你要一整天都待在家裏伺候媽媽。

#E NO07>Gary:>Of course. It is the one day she gets to be treated like a queen.
#C 蓋瑞:那當然。那一天我們要待她如同皇后一般。

#E NO00>Dialogue 2:>
#C 對話二:

#E NO08>Sam:>Happy Mother's Day! Here is a gift.
#C 山姆:母親節快樂!這是禮物。

#E NO09>Mom:>Thank you, Sam. You did not have to buy me a present.
#C 媽媽:謝謝,山姆。你不必買禮物給我的。

#E NO10>Sam:>I hope you like it. _
NO11>I got the matching bracelet and necklace off the Internet.
#C 山姆:希望妳喜歡。 _

#E NO12>Mom:>I love them. They are both beautiful. _
NO13>How did you know this is what I wanted?
#C媽媽:我喜歡。兩樣都漂亮。 _

#E NO14>Sam:>They say: Moms know best. _
NO15>Well, I think kids sometimes know what's best, too!
#C 山姆:大家都說,「媽媽最知道」。 _

#E NO00>Dialogue 1:>
#C 對話一:

#E NO00>Jill:>Would you like something to drink?
#C 吉兒:想要喝點什麼嗎?

#E NO01>Bob:>Yeah, I'm thirsty. Something cold would be nice.
#C 鮑伯:好啊,我好渴。來點冰的好了。

#E NO02>Jill:>There's some iced tea in the fridge _
NO03>and I just bought some orange juice, but it's not cold yet.
#C 吉兒:冰箱裡有些冰茶, _

#E NO04>Bob:>Iced tea would be great.
#C 鮑伯:冰茶就好。

#E NO00>Dialogue 2:>
#C 對話二:

#E NO05>Sarah:>You know, we really need to clean up this fridge. _
NO06>It's such a mess!
#C 莎拉:我們真該清理這台冰箱。 _

#E NO07>Dave:>OK. Let's clean it right now. _
NO08>It will be such a surprise for mom!
#C 大衛:好。那我們現在就來清理。 _

#E NO09>Sarah:>Great idea!  _
NO10>Let's start with the freezer section and then the fridge.
#C 莎拉:好主意! _

#E NO11>Dave:>You know, mom might even buy us ice cream for doing this.
#C 大衛:你知道,媽媽說不定會因為這樣買冰淇淋給我們。

#E NO12>Sarah:>That's the whole idea, silly!
#C 莎拉:我本來就這麼打算啊,傻瓜!

#E NO00>Dialogue 1:>
#C 對話一:

#E NO00>Kyle:>Judy! Nicky is on the phone.
#C 凱爾:茱蒂,妮可正在電話上。

#E NO01>Judy:>Oh, I'm just getting out of the shower.
#C 茱蒂:喔,我才正要從淋浴室出來。

#E NO02>Kyle:>Should I tell her you'll call her back?
#C 凱爾:要不要告訴她妳會回電?

#E NO03>Judy:>Yeah, tell her I'll call her back in about ten minutes.
#C 茱蒂:好,告訴她我十分鐘後回她電話。

#E NO00>Dialogue 2:>
#C 對話二:

#E NO04>Mike:>Ah, a cold shower would be really nice.
#C 麥克:啊,沖個冷水澡應該會蠻舒服的。

#E NO05>Cara:>Yeah, it has been so hot recently, _
NO06>and you've had a long day at work.
#C 卡拉:是啊,最近天氣好熱, _

#E NO07>Mike:>Yeah, things were just crazy at the office.
#C 麥克:就是啊,公司的事亂七八糟的。

#E NO08>Cara:>Go ahead and take a shower now while I prepare dinner.
#C 卡拉:趁我準備晚餐的時候去沖個澡吧。

#E NO09>Mike:>OK.
#C 麥克:好。

#E NO00>Dialogue 1:>
#C 對話一:

#E NO00>Jacob:>And this is my bedroom.
#C 雅各:這是我的臥室。

#E NO01>Anna:>You are so tidy. Look at your closet!
#C 安娜:你好愛乾淨喔。瞧你的櫃子!

#E NO02>Jacob:>Actually, I'm a bit of a neat freak.
#C 雅各:事實上我有點潔癖。

#E NO03>Anna:>I wish I were as tidy as you.
#C 安娜:真希望我和你一樣愛乾淨。

#E NO04>Jacob:>It's not that difficult.
#C 雅各:這沒那麼困難。

#E NO05>Anna:>Oh, but you don't know how messy I am.
#C 安娜:喔,你不知道我多邋遢。

#E NO00>Dialogue 2:>
#C 對話二:

#E NO06>Gerard:>OK, Sarah. I'm off to work now.
#C 傑瑞德:好了,莎拉。我要去上班了。

#E NO07>Sarah:>Hold on a minute. You can't go out like that!
#C 莎拉:等一下。你不能這樣子出門!

#E NO08>Gerard:>Why not?
#C 傑瑞德:為什麼不行?

#E NO09>Sarah:>Your shirt is wrinkled, _
NO10>and there's a stain on your pants.
#C 莎拉:你的襯衫皺巴巴的, _

#E NO11>Gerard:>Oh. You're right. _
NO12>I'll go upstairs and change right now.
#C 傑瑞德:喔,妳說得對。 _

#E NO00>Dialogue 1:>
#C 對話一:

#E NO00>Tom:>I am so excited about the parade!
#C 湯姆:要參加遊行讓我好興奮!

#E NO01>Janet:>I get to dance and wear traditional Irish clothes.
#C 珍奈:我要跳舞,還要穿傳統的愛爾蘭服裝。

#E NO02>Tom:>I can't wait to walk down the street in front of all those people.
#C 湯姆:我迫不及待要在人們面前遊行了。

#E NO03>Janet:>Don't forget to wear green.
#C 珍奈:別忘了要穿綠色衣服。

#E NO04>Tom:>Why?
#C 湯姆:為什麼?

#E NO05>Janet:>If you don't, you'll get pinched all day.
#C 珍奈:如果不這樣,你一整天都會被捏。

#E NO00>Dialogue 2:>
#C 對話二:

#E NO06>Mark:>I wish I could catch a leprechaun.
#C 馬克:我希望我可以抓到一隻妖精。

#E NO07>Jan:>Why?
#C 珍:為什麼?

#E NO08>Mark:>Because leprechauns are supposed to give you their gold if you catch them.
#C 馬克:因為如果你抓到他們,他們就會把他們的黃金給你。

#E NO09>Jan:>I just want to get a four-leaf clover and have good luck for the rest of my life.
#C 珍:我只想得到一株幸運草〈四葉的苜蓿〉及下半輩子的好運。

#E NO10>Mark:>You will probably find a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow before you find a lucky shamrock.
#C 馬克:在彩虹的盡頭發現一罐黃金大概比得到幸運酢漿草還容易得多吧。

#E NO11>Jan:>Oh, yeah? Just you wait and see. _
NO12>I have the luck of the Irish!
#C 珍:哦,是嗎?那就等著瞧吧。 _

#E NO00>Dialogue 1:>
#C 對話一:

#E NO00>Dan:>Excuse me, waitress. May I see the menu, please?
#C 丹:麻煩妳,我可以看一下菜單嗎?

#E NO01>Waitress:>Sure. Here you go.
#C 服務生:當然,菜單在這裡。

#E NO02>Dan:>And may I have a glass of water, please?
#C 丹:還有,我想要一杯水,可以嗎?

#E NO03>Waitress:>I'll get it for you right away.
#C 服務生:我馬上拿給你。

#E NO00>Dialogue 2:>
#C 對話二:

#E NO04>Susan:>Wow, you're a fast eater.
#C 蘇珊:哇,你吃得好快。

#E NO05>Andrew:>I was starving, and the food you cooked was delicious.
#C 安德魯:我餓壞了,而且妳煮的東西好好吃喔。

#E NO06>Susan:>Would you like some more vegetables? _
NO07>There are plenty left.
#C 蘇珊:你還要一些蔬菜嗎? _

#E NO08>Andrew:>No, thanks, Susan. I'm full. _
NO09>I think my eyes are bigger than my stomach.
#C 安德魯:不,謝了,蘇珊。我吃飽了。 _

#E NO10>Susan:>Are you sure? _
NO11>I made this cheesecake especially for you.
#C 蘇珊:你確定? _

#E NO12>Andrew:>Oh, well. A little dessert wouldn't hurt.
#C 安德魯:喔,好吧。吃一點甜點也無所謂啦。

#E NO00>Dialogue 1:>
#C 對話一:

#E NO00>Sam:>Oh, Mom. I just love your turkey dinners! _
NO01>This meal is delicious!
#C 山姆:哦,媽。我真是愛死了妳做的火雞大餐! _

#E NO02>Mom:>I'm glad you like it. _
NO03>Would you like some more potatoes?
#C 媽媽:真高興你喜歡。 _

#E NO04>Sam:>No thanks. If I eat any more, I'll explode!
#C 山姆:不了,謝謝。如果我再吃就要撐破肚皮了!

#E NO05>Mom:>Oh, come on. You can manage some more!
#C 媽媽:喔,沒關係啦。你還可以再多吃一點!

#E NO06>Sam:>Well, OK!
#C 山姆:嗯,好吧!

#E NO00>Dialogue 2:>
#C 對話二:

#E NO07>Kim:>Sandy, what kind of meat do you want: _
NO08>white or dark?
#C 金:珊蒂,妳想吃哪一個部位的肉: _

#E NO09>Sandy:>I would like some dark meat, please.
#C 珊蒂:我要一點腿肉。

#E NO10>Kim:>OK, here you go. _
NO11>Help yourself to some stuffing.
#C 金:好,拿去吧。 _

#E NO12>Sandy:>Thanks, Kim. I always love spending the holidays with you and your family.
#C 珊蒂:謝謝你,金。我就是喜歡和你及你的家人一起過節。

#E NO00>Dialogue 1:>
#C 對話一:

#E NO00>May:>Excuse me, sir. Where is the bathroom?
#C 梅:不好意思,先生。請問洗手間在哪兒?

#E NO01>Man:>Right over there, _
NO02>but, there's someone using it right now.
#C 先生:就在那邊, _

#E NO03>May:>Is there another toilet I can use?
#C 梅:還有別間可以用嗎?

#E NO04>Man:>There's one upstairs, but it's broken and won't flush. _
NO05>There's a public bathroom just outside and to your left.
#C 先生:樓上有一間,但是它已經壞了,不能沖水。 _

#E NO06>May:> Thank you.
#C 梅:謝謝。

#E NO00>Dialogue 2:>
#C 對話二:

#E NO07>Child:>Mommy, I need to go to the bathroom.
#C 小孩:媽咪,我想要上廁所。

#E NO08>Mom:>Do you need to take a number one or a number two?
#C 媽媽:你要上小號還是大號?

#E NO09>Child:>I need to take a number two.
#C 小孩:我要上大號。

#E NO10>Mom:>OK, the toilet is right over there. _
NO11>I'll wait right here until you're done.
#C 媽媽:好的,廁所就在那裡。 _

#E NO00>Dialogue 1:>
#C 對話一:

#E NO00>Mary:>Hi, Joe! Come on in.
#C 瑪麗:嗨,喬!請進。

#E NO01>Joe:>Hi, Mary. Here, these flowers and chocolates are for you. _
NO02>Will you be my valentine?
#C 喬:嗨,瑪麗。這些花和巧克力送妳。 _

#E NO03>Mary:>Of course!
#C 瑪麗:當然!

#E NO04>Joe:>And I have a poem for you.
#C 喬:我還要送妳一首詩。

#E NO05>Mary:>Oh, that's sweet!
#C 瑪麗:喔,真貼心!

#E NO06>Joe:>Roses are red, violets are blue, _
NO07>my sweet Mary, I'm in love with you!
#C 喬:赭紅的玫瑰,青色的紫蘿蘭, _

#E NO00>Dialogue 2:>
#C 對話二:

#E NO08>Sam:>Lynn, are you ready to go?
#C 山姆:琳恩,妳準備好要走了嗎?

#E NO09>Lynn:>Where are we going tonight?
#C 琳恩:我們今晚要去哪?

#E NO10>Sam:>I'm taking you out for a romantic candlelight dinner.
#C 山姆:我要帶妳去享受浪漫的燭光晚餐。

#E NO11>Lynn:>You know, every time you do something like this, _
NO12>you just sweep me off my feet!
#C 琳恩:每次你這樣做, _

#E NO13>Sam:>Well, my sweetie pie deserves the best!
#C 山姆:嗯,對我的小甜心再好都不為過!

#E NO00>Dialogue 1:>
#C 對話一:

#E NO00>Robert:>How much is it to rent this movie?
#C 羅伯:租這部片要多少錢?

#E NO01>Assistant:>It's three dollars for two nights.
#C 店員:三塊美金可租兩個晚上。

#E NO02>Robert:>Great! I'll take it.
#C 羅伯:太好了!我要這部。

#E NO03>Assistant:>Do you have your membership card?
#C 店員:你有會員卡嗎?

#E NO04>Robert:>Yes. Oh, do you take these coupons?
#C 羅伯:有。喔,這些折價券可以用嗎?

#E NO05>Assistant:>Yep. With these, you can rent two for the price of one.
#C 店員:可以呀。使用這些折價券,你可以用一部片的價錢租到兩部片。

#E NO06>Robert:>Wow! I'll go get another movie then.
#C 羅伯:哇!這樣我再去拿另一部片。

#E NO00>Dialogue 2:>
#C 對話二:

#E NO07>Man:>I'm Greg Smith, nice to meet you.
#C 男人:我是葛雷格史密斯,很高興認識你。

#E NO08>Sally:>I'm Sally, Sally Green. How do you do?
#C 莎莉:我是莎莉,莎莉格林。你好。

#E NO09>Man:>Here's my business card.
#C 男人:這是我的名片。

#E NO10>Sally:>Thank you. And... here's mine.
#C 莎莉:謝謝你。這是我的名片。

#E NO11>Man:>I have a couple of coffee coupons. _
NO12>Would you like to join me?
#C 男人:我有一些咖啡折價券。 _

#E NO13>Sally:>Sure. I'd love a cup of coffee!
#C 莎莉:當然。我很樂意來杯咖啡。

#E NO00>Dialogue 1:>
#C 對話一:

#E NO00>Patient:>Doctor, my leg hurts.
#C 病人:醫生,我的腿疼。

#E NO01>Doctor:>Where does it hurt?
#C 醫生:腿哪裡疼?

#E NO02>Patient:>My thigh is a little sore, and my calf hurts, too. _
NO03>But my left foot really hurts!
#C 病人:我的大腿有點痠痛,我的小腿肚也是。 _

#E NO04>Doctor:>Let me see... well, no wonder your foot hurts! _
NO05>You have a nail in it!
#C 醫生:我看看……難怪你的腳會疼! _

#E NO00>Dialogue 2:>
#C 對話二:

#E NO06>Frank:>I'm so tired! _
NO07>My back and arms ache so much!
#C 法蘭克:我好累! _

#E NO08>Jill:>Come on! Put a little elbow grease into it!
#C 吉兒:來嘛!再多加把勁!

#E NO09>Frank:>I need to sit down and massage my feet.
#C 法蘭克:我要坐下來按摩我的腳。

#E NO10>Jill:>Not until we've finished painting this wall.
#C 吉兒:還沒刷完這面牆之前不行!

#E NO00>Dialogue 1:>
#C 對話一:

#E NO00>Kim:>I would like a pink wedding dress.
#C 金:我想要一件粉紅色的結婚禮服。

#E NO01>Sam:>Are you sure you don't want a traditional white one?
#C 山姆:妳確定妳不要傳統的白紗嗎?

#E NO02>Kim:>I'm sure. _
NO03>And I want a limo to take me to the church.
#C 金:我確定。 _

#E NO04>Sam:>But limousines are very expensive!
#C 山姆:但是豪華禮車很貴耶!

#E NO05>Kim:>Hey! This is one of the most important days of my life!
#C 金:嘿!這是我生命中最重要的日子之一欸!

#E NO00>Dialogue 2:>
#C 對話二:

#E NO06>Mary:>Well, my parents are here, and so are the bridesmaids.
#C 瑪麗:嗯,我父母都到了,伴娘也都到了。

#E NO07>Karl:>And the best man has just arrived.
#C 卡爾:而男儐相才剛到。

#E NO08>Mary:>How about the reverend? _
NO09>We can't do without him!
#C 瑪麗:牧師呢? _

#E NO10>Karl:>Don't worry. He's here, too.
#C 卡爾:別擔心。他也來了。

#E NO11>Mary:>Gosh! I'm so nervous!
#C 瑪麗:天啊!我好緊張!

#E NO00>Dialogue 1:>
#C 對話一:

#E NO00>Roger:>So, how do I wash clothes here?
#C 羅傑:那麼,我該怎麼洗這些衣服呢?

#E NO01>Kelly:>It's easy. _
NO02>Make sure the pockets of all your dirty clothes are empty first.
#C 凱莉:很簡單。 _

#E NO03>Roger:>OK. Then what?
#C 羅傑:好了。然後呢?

#E NO04>Kelly:>Put money into the machine, then add some detergent.
#C 凱莉:投幣,然後倒入洗衣精。

#E NO05>Roger:>Now I put the clothes in, right?
#C 羅傑:現在把衣服放進去,對嗎?

#E NO06>Kelly:>That's right. Then all you do is press start.
#C 凱莉:沒錯。接下來只要按「開始」就行了。

#E NO00>Dialogue 2:>
#C 對話二:

#E NO07>Dan:>Mom, look at my clothes!
#C 丹:媽,妳看我的衣服!

#E NO08>Mom:>They're all white! _
NO09>What did you do?
#C 媽媽:他們全變白色了! _

#E NO10>Dan:>I just added some of this stuff here.
#C 丹:我只是加了一些這個。

#E NO11>Mom:>You can't add that! _
NO12>That's bleach!
#C 媽媽:你不能加那個! _

#E NO13>Dan:>Oops! I thought it was detergent!
#C 丹:糟糕!我還以為那是洗衣精!

#E NO00>Dialogue 1:>
#C 對話一:

#E NO00>Uncle:>After lunch, we can go out to the barn.
#C 叔叔:午餐後,我們可以到穀倉去。

#E NO01>Jane:>That sounds like a lot of fun. _
NO02>I just love country life.
#C 珍:聽起來很有趣。 _

#E NO03>Uncle:>Your cousin doesn't. _
NO04>She moved to the city.
#C 叔叔:妳堂姊可不這麼認為。 _

#E NO05>Jane:>Yeah, but she has a great job, and she is raking in the money.
#C 珍:是啊,不過她有一個很棒的工作,而且賺了不少錢。

#E NO06>Uncle:>I guess so, but it sure is quiet around the farm without her.
#C 叔叔:我想是吧,不過農莊裡少了她就安靜多了。

#E NO00>Dialogue 2:>
#C 對話二:

#E NO07>Carla:>I heard that Mr. Robertson is thinking of selling his farm.
#C 卡萊:我聽說羅伯森先生正考慮賣掉他的農場。

#E NO08>David:>That's right. I heard it straight from the horse's mouth.
#C 大衛:沒錯,我直接從他那裡聽來的。

#E NO09>Carla:>Really! When did you speak with him?
#C 卡萊:真的啊!你什麼時候和他說話的?

#E NO10>David:>Yesterday, when I saw him at the store.
#C 大衛:昨天,我在店裡看到他。

#E NO11>Carla:>Why is he selling his farm?
#C 卡萊:他為什麼想賣掉農場?

#E NO12>David:>He says he wants to move to the city.
#C 大衛:他說他想要搬到城裡。

#E NO00>Dialogue 1:>
#C 對話一:

#E NO00>Alex:>Check out these roses. _
NO01>They're beautiful.
#C 艾力克斯:看看這些玫瑰花。 _

#E NO02>Jane:>They smell great, too. _
NO03>Susy would love these.
#C 珍:聞起來也很香。 _

#E NO04>Alex:>Shall we buy a bouquet for her?
#C 艾力克斯:我們要不要買一束送給她?

#E NO05>Jane:>Okay, but let's pick out a variety of  fresh ones.
#C 珍:好,我們挑一些不同種類且新鮮的花吧。

#E NO06>Alex:>You choose them, because I know nothing about flowers.
#C 艾力克斯:妳選吧,因為我對花一竅不通。

#E NO00>Dialogue 2:>
#C 對話二:

#E NO07>Barry:>Would you look after my plants when I'm away?
#C 貝瑞:我不在的時候妳可不可以照顧我的植物?

#E NO08>Claire:>Of course. What do I have to do?
#C 克萊兒:當然可以。我該怎麼做?

#E NO09>Barry:>Just make sure that you water them twice a week.
#C 貝瑞:只要記得一個禮拜澆兩次水。

#E NO10>Claire:>No problem. I can do that for you.
#C 克萊兒:沒問題。我可以幫你。

#E NO11>Barry:>Thank you so much. _
NO12>You are a great roommate!
#C 貝瑞:多謝啦。 _

#E NO00>Dialogue 1:>
#C 對話一:

#E NO00>Allen:>That smells good, Sarah. _
NO01>What are you having?
#C 艾倫:聞起來好香喔,莎拉。 _

#E NO02>Sarah:>Oh, just last night's pizza. _
NO03>Would you like some?
#C 莎拉:喔,只是昨晚吃剩的披薩。 _

#E NO04>Allen:>That's OK, thanks. _
NO05>I brought my own lunch.
#C 艾倫:不用了,謝謝。 _

#E NO06>Sarah:>Your lunch looks really good!
#C 莎拉:你的午餐看起來真好吃!

#E NO07>Allen:>My mom made some homemade soup and bread for me!
#C 艾倫:我媽媽親手為我做了湯和麵包!

#E NO08>Sarah:>Wow! You're lucky, I wish my mom could cook like that.
#C 莎拉:哇!你真幸運,希望我媽也那麼會做菜。

#E NO00>Dialogue 2:>
#C 對話二:

#E NO09>Kate:>I think we should stop here. _
NO10>I could eat a horse.
#C 凱特:我想我們該在這裡停一下。 _

#E NO11>Bob:>Just a few more minutes, Kate. _
NO12>I know a good spot up ahead where we can eat.
#C 鮑伯:再走幾分鐘就好,凱特。 _

#E NO13>Kate:>OK, but I'm famished!
#C 凱特:好吧,可是我快餓死了!

#E NO14>Bob:>Don't worry, Kate, we're almost there. _
NO15>I'll give you one of the sandwiches I brought for the drive if you can't wait.
#C 鮑伯:別擔心,凱特,我們快到了。 _

#E NO16>Kate:>No, I think I can wait until we get to the restaurant, but I sure will eat a lot.
#C 凱特:不,我想我可以忍耐到我們抵達餐廳,不過我一定會吃很多。

#E NO00>Dialogue 1:>
#C 對話一:

#E NO00>Jane:>How do I look? _
NO01>Be honest now!
#C 珍:我看來怎麼樣? _

#E NO02>Tony:>You look absolutely stunning!
#C 湯尼:妳看起來真是美呆了!

#E NO03>Jane:>You don't think I have too much makeup on, do you?
#C 珍:你不覺得我的妝太濃了吧,會嗎?

#E NO04>Tony:>Don't be silly. _
NO05>That shade of lipstick really suits you.
#C 湯尼:別傻了。 _

#E NO06>Jane:>You are such a charmer, Tony. _
NO07>That's why I love you.
#C 珍:湯尼,你的嘴巴真甜。 _

#E NO00>Dialogue 2:>
#C 對話二:

#E NO08>Jasper:>I heard you're going to Paris, Alice.
#C 賈斯伯:愛麗絲,我聽說妳要去巴黎。

#E NO09>Alice:>That's right, and I'm so excited!
#C 愛麗絲:對啊,我覺得很興奮!

#E NO10>Jasper:>What are you going to do over there?
#C 賈斯伯:妳到那邊要做什麼?

#E NO11>Alice:>Shopping, lots of shopping. _
NO12>I especially hope to pick up some makeup.
#C 愛麗絲:購物,瘋狂購物。 _

#E NO13>Jasper:>You don't need makeup, Alice. _
NO14>I like you just the way you are.
#C 賈斯伯:愛麗絲,妳不用化妝。 _

#E NO15>Alice:>Oh, Jasper. Now you're making me blush!
#C 愛麗絲:喔,賈斯伯。你讓我害羞起來了!

#E NO00>Dialogue 1:>
#C 對話一:

#E NO00>David:>We need to hang streamers and balloons in every room.
#C 大衛:我們需要在每個房間掛上彩帶和氣球。

#E NO01>Betty:>Great! We can give everyone a party hat and a noisemaker when they arrive.
#C 貝蒂:好耶!大家到的時候,我們可以發給他們一頂派對帽和噪音製造器。

#E NO02>David:>The party will be loud at midnight. _
NO03>What about our neighbors?
#C 大衛:那樣半夜時派對會很吵的。 _

#E NO04>Betty:>Don't worry. Pass me that ice bucket and take this next door.
#C 貝蒂:別擔心。把那個冰桶給我,然後把這個拿到隔壁去。

#E NO05>David:>Do you want me to give them this bottle of champagne?
#C 大衛:妳要我把這瓶香檳送給他們?

#E NO06>Betty:>Yes! Hopefully they will come to our party, too!
#C 貝蒂:是啊!希望他們也來參加我們的派對!

#E NO00>Dialogue 2:>
#C 對話二:

#E NO07>Debbie:>Look at the clock. _
NO08>It's time to pour champagne.
#C 黛比:看時鐘。 _

#E NO09>Peter:>It's almost time for the countdown!
#C 彼得:差不多該開始倒數計時了!

#E NO10>Debbie:>Do you know the words to "Auld Lang Syne?"
#C 黛比:你知道《驪歌》的歌詞嗎?

#E NO11>Peter:>Sure, but I'm not a good singer. _
NO12>I'll throw confetti.
#C 彼得:當然,但我的歌喉不怎麼樣。 _

#E NO13>Debbie:>5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Happy New Year!
#C 黛比:五、四、三、二、一!新年快樂!

#E NO14>Peter:>Yeh! What is your New Year's resolution?
#C 彼得:耶!妳的新年新希望是什麼?

#E NO15>Debbie:>To teach you how to sing.
#C 黛比:教你唱歌。

#E NO00>Dialogue 1:>
#C 對話一:

#E NO00>Rob:>Are you expecting, Jane?
#C 羅伯:珍,妳懷孕了嗎?

#E NO01>Jane:>I sure am, Rob.
#C 珍:羅伯,沒錯。

#E NO02>Rob:>Congratulations! Is it a boy or a girl?
#C 羅伯:恭喜!是男孩還是女孩?

#E NO03>Jane:>We don't know yet. _
NO04>It's too early.
#C 珍:我們還不知道。 _

#E NO05>Rob:>Well, let me know when you do.
#C 羅伯:嗯,知道的話要告訴我喔。

#E NO00>Dialogue 2:>
#C 對話二:

#E NO06>Carrie:>I was thinking of buying some toys.
#C 凱莉:我想買些玩具。

#E NO07>Jamie:>How about a rattle and a teddy bear?
#C 潔咪:買個沙鈴和泰迪熊如何?

#E NO08>Carrie:>Why don't I buy some clothes instead?
#C 凱莉:還是我買幾件衣服?

#E NO09>Jamie:>Good idea! You should buy some cute little bootees.
#C 潔咪:好主意!你應該買些可愛的嬰兒鞋!

#E NO10>Carrie:>Yeah! They will keep the baby's feet nice and warm during the winter.
#C 凱莉:好啊!冬天它們就可以讓小嬰兒的腳保持暖和。

#E NO00>Dialogue 1:>
#C 對話一:

#E NO00>Roy:>Hi, Kim! How was your summer vacation?
#C 洛依:嗨,金!妳的暑假過得如何?

#E NO01>Kim:>It was great, but way too short.
#C 金:很棒啊,但實在太短了。

#E NO02>Roy:>I know what you mean. _
NO03>Hey, can I borrow a pencil?
#C 洛依:我懂妳的意思。 _

#E NO04>Kim:>Sure. Do you need an eraser, as well?
#C 金:當然,你還需要橡皮擦嗎?

#E NO05>Roy:>No, I have one right here. Thanks.
#C 洛依:不,我這裡有一個。謝謝。

#E NO00>Dialogue 2:>
#C 對話二:

#E NO06>Kim:>Hi, Roy! Are you glad that your first day back at school is over?
#C 金:嗨,洛依!你一定很高興開學第一天結束了吧?

#E NO07>Roy:>I sure am. _
NO08>But I can't believe we have homework on our first day!
#C 洛依:當然。 _

#E NO09>Kim:>Hey! Remember that pencil I lent you?
#C 金:嘿!記得我借你的鉛筆嗎?

#E NO10>Roy:>Oh, yeah, sorry. _
NO11>Here you are.
#C 洛依:喔,對,真抱歉。 _

#E NO12>Kim:>Thanks, Roy. _
NO13>You know, you really need to get yourself a pencil box.
#C 金:謝啦,洛依。 _

#E NO00>Dialogue 1:>
#C 對話一:

#E NO00>Jack:>Four buttons have come off my coat. _
NO01>What should I do?
#C 傑克:我的外套掉了四顆釦子, _

#E NO02>Emily:>Sew them back on, silly.
#C 艾蜜莉:縫回去就好啦,傻瓜。

#E NO03>Jack:>I don't know how to sew. _
NO04>Can you help me?
#C 傑克:我不知道怎麼縫。 _

#E NO05>Emily:>Sure. Do you have a needle and thread?
#C 艾蜜莉:當然。你有針線嗎?

#E NO06>Jack:>Sorry. I don't.
#C 傑克:對不起,我沒有。

#E NO07>Emily:>Well, you'll just have to use a safety pin instead.
#C 艾蜜莉:那麼,你只好用別針代替囉。

#E NO00>Dialogue 2:>
#C 對話二:

#E NO08>Debby:>I have to sew a patch on little Amy's pants.
#C 黛比:我要替小愛咪的褲子縫個補綴。

#E NO09>Thomas:>Again? You only did that two weeks ago.
#C 湯瑪斯:又要縫了?妳兩個禮拜前才縫過。

#E NO10>Debby:>I know. She's very hard on clothes.
#C 黛比:我知道。她很容易磨破衣服。

#E NO11>Thomas:>At least she loves pants with patches.
#C 湯瑪斯:至少,她很喜歡褲子上有補綴。

#E NO12>Debby:>Yeah. Her favorite are the Mickey Mouse patches.
#C 黛比:對啊。她最喜歡米老鼠圖案的補綴了。

#E NO00>Dialogue 1:>
#C 對話一:

#E NO00>Missy:>Jack, press the walk signal button so we can cross here.
#C 蜜西:傑克,按那個穿越馬路按鈕,我們才能過去。

#E NO01>Jack:>This light takes ages to change.
#C 傑克:這個號誌燈得等上好久才會變換。

#E NO02>Missy:>It is better to cross here than at the next street light.
#C 蜜西:從這裡過馬路比從下一個路燈那裡過馬路好。

#E NO03>Jack:>You're right.
#C 傑克:你說得對。

#E NO04>Missy:>Look! There is a food vendor across the street!
#C 蜜西:看!對街有個小販!

#E NO05>Jack:>Good thinking, Missy. _
NO06>I am hungry.
#C 傑克:好主意,蜜西。 _

#E NO00>Dialogue 2:>
#C 對話二:

#E NO07>Norman:>Michelle, do you know how to get there?
#C 諾曼:蜜雪兒,妳知道怎麼到那兒去嗎?

#E NO08>Michelle:>Not really, but I know we should take a right at the next intersection.
#C 蜜雪兒:不是很清楚,但我知道我們應該在下一個十字路口右轉。

#E NO09>Norman:>Are you sure?
#C 諾曼:妳確定?

#E NO10>Michelle:>Yes. I know we have to take a right here, _
NO11>and then pass two more lights.
#C 蜜雪兒:是的。我知道我們要在這裡右轉, _

#E NO12>Norman:>Then what?
#C 諾曼:然後呢?

#E NO13>Michelle:>After that, we'll have to stop and ask for directions.
#C 蜜雪兒:在那之後,我們就必須停下來問路了。

#E NO00>Dialogue 1:>
#C 對話一:

#E NO00>Mack:>Can you please give me the nails?
#C 麥克:可以把釘子給我嗎?

#E NO01>Jen:>Here they are. _
NO02>Do you need a hammer?
#C 簡:在這裡。 _

#E NO03>Mack:>Of course I do!
#C 麥克:當然!

#E NO04>Jen:>How many shelves are there going to be?
#C 簡:你要組裝多少層架子?

#E NO05>Mack:>Well, I am going to measure the books with the tape measure and then decide.
#C 麥克:呃,我先用捲尺量出書的大小再決定。

#E NO06>Jen:>Let's hope they all fit.
#C 簡:希望書都放得進去。

#E NO00>Dialogue 2:>
#C 對話二:

#E NO07>Jane:>This frame is broken. _
NO08>Do you have any tape?
#C 珍:這個相框壞了。 _

#E NO09>Hank:>Check the toolbox. _
NO10>There should be some in there.
#C 漢克:看一下工具箱。 _

#E NO11>Jane:>Are you going to use nails or screws to hang up these pictures?
#C 珍:你要用釘子還是螺絲釘來掛這些照片?

#E NO12>Hank:>I am going to use nails. _
NO13>Why do you ask?
#C 漢克:我要用釘子。 _

#E NO14>Jane:>Oh, because I just bought a new Phillips-head screwdriver and wanted to use it.
#C 珍:喔,因為我剛買了一支十字頭的螺絲起子,我想試用看看。

#E NO15>Hank:>Don't worry. There are plenty of other things that need to be fixed.
#C 漢克:別緊張。還有很多東西要修理呢。